The Bachelor Tree

There’s only one thing that we can really say about this film – we love it! It’s a true delight – a modern twist on the fairy tale, with elements of riddle, limerick and legend.

As Mark Turnock, the film’s director and co-writer explains:

“We made this as our graduate film for UCA Farnham, on a budget of £3,500 (most of which went on petrol), as a labour of love. We wanted to make something silly and bawdy, with an old ‘English’ sense of humour that you don’t really see around much nowadays. The film exists to be entertaining and inconsequential, a vaudeville piece in some seaside theatre, or a pantomime that pulls its audience along and asks for nothing more than they forget the world around them- just for fifteen minutes- and enjoy themselves. When it ends, the viewer should be left with a smile; and the feeling that they’ve reconnected with something magical, a sense of fun that perhaps isn’t really found anywhere else these days.”

Each time we have screened this film, every audience member has emerged from the cinema beaming. We are certainly looking forward to screening this film again soon, and in the meantime, you can watch it here on Vimeo – we would definately encourage you to do so!

SCREENED AT: The Aeon Festival – August 2010; Compton Verney Art Gallery – November 2010; Ramsgate Summer Squall Festival – August 2011