Successful funding bid to operate mobile cinema in South West.

The Vintage Mobile Cinema company is part of a partnership project including North Devon Council museums department, South West Film and TV Archive and the Bill Douglas centre that has successfully won a funding bid from South West Screens to operate the mobile cinema as part of a film heritage project throughout the South West in 2010.

The expected launch of these collaborative efforts is expected to be spring 2010, with the cinema touring local villages, schools and major cultural events.

The emphasis in film content is on local heritage and we aim to bring relevant historical film footage to the doorsteps of those to whom it matters most, the local people. To further develop the poignancy of the work we intend to offer people a chance to have their spoken feedback recorded, so creating a dialogue between film and viewer which can later be added to the film. This is intended as an ongoing piece that will evolve with time as more commentary is added.

The inclusion of schools and colleges will bring fresh work into the mix, allowing for historical film preservation to play a part in education and inspiration for budding new talent to express itself locally.