
Undercurrents not only have getting on for 20 years experience in documenting activism and campaigning in the UK and abroad, as well as filming inspiring projects that are building a positive future, they also run their very own solar powered Mobile Cinema, the Sol Cinema!

They have a large library of documentaries, and we are proud to have been able to provide a cinema space for some of these fantastic films to be screened. Films that we have shown include:

‘Eco-village Pioneers’ – Over a decade, Helen, a co-founder of Undercurrents went in search of a sustainable way of life. Along the way she recorded the UK’s most high profile campaigners on low impact living. She charted how Tony Wrench and his partner (see photo below) challenged and radically changed a council’s policy on rural housing. Their unique, inexpensive ecohome made from oak, cobwood and recycled window walls, straw-insulated turf roof, with solar power for electricity, compost toilet and reed beds for grey water is now a proven example of what the Government needs to be providing. Her journey took her to Crystal Waters Permaculture village in Australia, Sunseed Desert Technology centre in Spain, Findhorn spiritual community in Scotland, The Village in Ireland and the low impact settlement, Tinkers Bubble in Somerset England. Her trip also includes the world renowned Centre of Alternative Technology in mid Wales. The main strand of the film follows the story of Lammas- Britains First planned Ecovillage to be developed in England and Wales.
SCREENED AT: The Aeon Festival, August 2010

‘Broad Horizons’ – A compilation of animations, documentaries and short films made by women, including:
Evolving Minds
(Melissa Gunasena) 45min – What is reality? Who defines it? Evolving Minds offers a fresh and radical perspective on alternatives to the mental health system. Presenting clear information in a humorous style it covers diverse topics such as shamanism, nutrition, psychotherapy, meditation and protest against draconian mental health legislation.
Fisch in Lesbos (undercurrents) 4min – A lesbian books a holiday
(Shannon Smy) 3mins – Exploring belief structures
Happiness tends to Infinity
(Yinka Selley) 3mins – A scientific equation on how to be happy
(Maren Girgensohn) 5 mins – British women activists join in protests against the transportation of nuclear waste across Germany
Life Before Death
(Helen iles) 10min An inspiring short film explorings the experiences of two women & their daughters as they face terminal illness. Far from being a morbid lament, the film develops into an uplifting meditation on finding acceptance when faced with the most critical time of our life.
Clowning around at the G8 (Circa) 15mins – An insignt into the techniques of the Rebel Clown Army during the G8 summit in Scotland.
Eve’s Apple- (undercurrents) 3 min – Produced during an undercurrents video training workshop. For details of video training for women email us broads@undercurrents.org
The Very Model of a Modern Labour Minister
– (Flash for Cash/Claire Civil) 3mins Animated sing along with the Government about Identity cards!
I ain’t looking for your Sympathy
-(Twiz Evans)  – An inspiring documentary about how women are using many techniques to overcome disability. Filmed on location during the Women in Tune festival.
SCREENED AT: The Aeon Festival, August 201

‘You Must Be Choking’ – One of the first films that Undercurrents ever made, this documentary follows some activists on the M11 link road protest at Claremont Road. Historical and riveting stuff.
SCREENED AT: The Aeon Festival, August 2010

‘Bike 2 Oz’ – Bike2Oz is the epic adventure of a young school teacher and a train worker in Oxford. After teaching her pupils about globel warming, Lowanna decided she couldn’t risk damaging the climate by flying home to Australia. With her partner Kevin, the couple travel the 12,000km to Sydney using only sustainable transport – the train, bicycle and cargo ship.
SCREENED AT: The Aeon Festival, August 2010

See clips of some of these films and more at the Undercurrents website, where you can also buy DVDs and find links to some great projects. Watch this space for more opportunities to see some of these films on board the Vintage Mobile Cinema at other events in the future!